速報APP / 遊戲 / State Capital Bingo

State Capital Bingo





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:P.O. box 487, Kennedale, TX 76060

State Capital Bingo(圖1)-速報App

Fun game for memorization of US State Capitals and their flags. Game has 50 game pieces (for 50 United States).


"Study" room helps users with State Capital memorization. In alphabetical order pictures of states are presented; touch image to flip it over and reveal capital city name and flag.

State Capital Bingo(圖2)-速報App

Bingo Game:

Great educational game for any classroom or individual to memorize US State Capital cities.

Replaces traditional printed, paper bingo cards. Meant to be played in person with other players in same room or live connected meeting.

State Capital Bingo(圖3)-速報App

Choose "Host" if you're the one calling out names of State Capitals for players.

Choose "Player" for a randomly generated bingo card made up of shapes of the 50 states. When host calls capital city that matches a state on your board, i.e., Austin = Texas; just touch it, to "x" it out. Continue until someone calls "BINGO."

Player cards are randomly generated, so chances are no two players will have the exact same card. No limit on number of players.

State Capital Bingo(圖4)-速報App

Fun method to learn State Capitals and flags.

Hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to leave feedback. Kind words as well as constructive criticism welcome.

State Capital Bingo(圖5)-速報App